Monday, May 19, 2014

The May Show at The Art League

Venetian Laundry
by Jane McElvany Coonce
I wanted to enter the juried art show in May at the Art League, but I knew I'd be away.  So my friend, Moira, took it down for me while I was gone.  I was thrilled to find out that I got into the show.  It always feels like I won the lottery when my painting gets selected!  That joyous feeling never goes away.  (It's probably similar to kids hearing it's a snow day and there is no school!)

This was a watercolor I did from a photo I took in Venice.  Everyone in Italy hangs their laundry from the window.  No one has dryers.  I think the houses are too small to take up the space with a big dryer, and I also believe that the electricity is so expensive that they save money by air drying.  It actually looks quaint hanging from windows in buildings that were probably built in the 16th century.

When I was in one of the hill towns of Umbria last week, I saw some beautiful panties hanging from the ground floor window.  I thought to myself, "this would never work in the United States; some teenager would swipe those just for the fun of it." (sort of the same "hit the lottery" feeling I get when I enter shows.)  I guess the Italian boys are used to seeing it.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Adjusting to Life After Umbria

Bicycling in Umbria
by Jane McElvany Coonce

We got back on Thursday night and I went straight to bed at 8:30 pm.  Of course, I woke up at 4:00 am.  But the next day was better.  I stayed up until 11 pm and woke up at 6:30.  So I am adjusting to the new time.  Whenever you travel, there is so much to catch up on:  mail, emails, phone messages.  But I'm slowly crawling out of the hole and getting back into everyday American life.  If you haven't been to Italy, put it on your bucket list.  It is a beautiful place full of ancient cities and Roman ruins.  The light is glowing there, and even if you aren't an artist, you won't be able to resist snapping pictures of a very unique place.  Even the smallest towns have a magical beauty.  I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Paintings I've done in Umbria

I can't believe my trip to Umbria is almost over.  I didn't get a lot of painting done because I was busy helping everyone else.  But here are a few of the things I did do.  The one above " Doorway in Bebagna" (waterolor)  is almost done.  I only had a little over an hour to sketch it out and work on it so I was painting like mad.

The Roman Ruins of Carsulae ( watercolor) was one of the first ones I did on the trip.  It's about 95% done. 

Hillside in Todi ( watercolor) is another one that is almost done.  This is what the typical hill town looks like although each town has it's own distinct character.

3 Men in San Gemini is a demo I did in oil.  I need to finish their faces and add a few touches.  They were fun to paint.  The people have such character here.

Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments throughout my trip.  I'm sad it is almost over.  It has been a real joy to teach here at LaRomita Art School in Italy.  What a beautiful place.  I've taken over a thousand photographs so I will have plenty of material to work from for years to come!!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

4 th , 5 th and 6th day in Umbria

We are having a fabulous time painting our way through Italy.  We've been to quite a few hill towns in Umbia, and each one has it's own little flavor.  The first day we were in San Gemini and many people painted the beautiful doors of the houses.  Another day, we went to Carsulae, a deserted place with beautiful Roman ruins.  

San Gemini Door by Charlotte Potashnik

Roman Ruins of Carsulae  by Janelle Feeney

Roman Ruins of Carsulae by Liz Shaeffer

Roman Ruins of Carsulae by Karen Soverino

Red Poppies Among the Roman Arch by Judith Landry

Monumental Arches by Jean S. Moore

Restaurant in San Gemini by Lori Lisiecki

Door in San Genimi by Elaine Boomer

Aren't my students fabulous?  I am so excited how these paintings have turned out.  They truly have done a amazing job.  We still have one week to go.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

3rd and 4th day of Painting in Umbria

Umbrian Restaurant by Karen Soverino

Coletta Kemper "Umbrian Home" (watercolor)
Red Tile Roof of Umbria by Judith Landry (watercolor)

Umbrian Vista by Parvaneh Limbert (watercolor)

Yesterday, we went to Orvietto and had a grand time exploring the city.  It was too busy to paint.  But today we went to the tallest waterfall in Europe.  It's called Cascata delle Marmore.  It's a man made waterfall that was built in the 2nd Century BC.  The Romans needed to drain the swamp lands, so they built a dam that holds back the water.  The Italians "turn on" the waterfall at 10 am every morning and turn it off at 1:00 pm.  

Afterwards, we came back to the studio and painted all afternoon.  Here are some of the paintings my students did.  I think they are really fantastic especially when you realize that Coletta and Judy have never done watercolor before.  We have taken lots of pictures the past few days and will use them in the studio tomorrow.