Friday, August 30, 2024

Autumn Falls on Georgetown

Last night, I attended the Juried show, "Locally Sourced" at The Alliance Gallery in Clarendon (Arlington, VA). 30 paintings out of the 100 submitted were in the show, with my painting "Autumn Falls on Georgetown" being one of the ones selected. The judge, Yigit Cakar, a commissioner for the Arts, picked the paintings that are in the show and the ones that won prizes. To my surprise, I won 1st place! I was so thrilled. The painting also found a new home, so it was a double blessing for me. Winning an award is always a wonderful feeling for an artist. Thank you judge, Yigit Cakar, for making my day!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Hot Crabs and Beer on Ice

Twice a year, I go up to Edinburg, Virginia and painting with a group of friends who were all former students of Diane Tesler. We set up still lifes and work from them all weekend. This weekend, I set up another crab painting. Although it's not completely finished, I am pretty close to being done.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cove in Southwest Harbor, Maine

I've completed another painting from photos I took in Maine. This was a cove that we dropped anchor. We rowed ashore and took a walk into the town of Tremont. I saw this tranquil scene of boats at rest. 2 women were sitting on the rocks enjoying the beautiful scenery. Roses were blooming by the road. I took the photo not knowing I would turn it into a Maine painting. But here it is. Such a beautiful place!