Key Bridge Afternoon by Jane McElvany Coonce |
I finally finished the Key Bridge painting that I started over a month ago. On a previous post, I showed you this painting when it was about 1/2 way done. I finally finished it just in time for the "Scapes" show in August. The Art League, down in the Torpedo Factory, always has a landscape show in August. It's there big show of the year. There are hundreds of entries so no one is guaranteed to get in. It's always up to the judge. I've got my fingers crossed that it makes the cut. An artist has to develop a thick skin, though. Rejection is a big part of entering juried shows. Artists has to tell themselves that it is only one person's opinion. I've entered enough shows that I don't take it personally anymore, but for beginning artists, it can be a real spirit crusher. I still keep my fingers crossed every time I enter a show, though.
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