Friday, October 17, 2014

Alysa and Anthony's Row House
by Jane McElvany Coonce
I mentioned that I went to 3 wedding for 3 weekends in a row.  The first wedding was Alysa Regen's and Anthony Cargiulo's wedding in Pennsylvania. I've known Alysa since she was in diapers.  I was in a mother's group where we would meet once a week at someone's house.  The woman that had girls sat around and sipped their coffee while their daughters played quietly on the floor.  The women that had boys (me) stood up and chased their kids trying to keep them from getting into something they shouldn't. I don't think I ever finished a cup of coffee at one of those mother's group meetings!

Eileen, Alysa's mother, had suggested she would like to commission me to do a painting for Alysa, but I said that I'd would just like to do it for a wedding present.   This is the street where Anthony and Alysa live in Washington, DC.  I think it's 12th and W N.W.  I've put a couple in the painting walking down the street to suggest Alysa and Anthony walking together in their new life as a married couple.

I hope Alysa and Anthony remember their first home together when they look at this pictures years from now.  They are a special couple with lots of adventures ahead.

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