Marina Haze by Jane McElvany Coonce
Today was receiving down at The Art League in the Torpedo Factory. An artist can submit two paintings to be juried, but the judge can only select one. This is to give more artists an opportunity to show. I think it's a great idea. There were almost 600 entries and the judge can only take around 120 paintings. So competition is tight! I enter my new Key Bridge/Georgetown painting and "Marina Haze", the painting I did up on the Eastern Shore. I was surprised when he selected the sailboats over my bridge painting, but that's the way it goes. You can never predict what a judge will pick.
I'm thrilled to have my piece in the show. The show is called "Scapes" and it's only landscapes. The show will hang for the month of August, so if you get a chance, stop by and see one of the most popular shows of the year. The Art League is located in Old Town Alexandria in the Torpedo Factory. It's located at the corner of King St. and Union St. They are open 7 days a week, 10-6.
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